PLEASE NOTE: This COVID-19 page is no longer updated. Please CLICK HERE to visit the Reopening webpage for the latest updates.
COVID-19 Update Center (novel coronavirus)
OVERVIEW: RCPS Central Office and school offices are open by appointment only starting July 6, 2020. RCPS schools and offices were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and RCPS students/staff held Independent Learning Days (online and digital learning at home) from March 16, 2020 through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Please see updates below, or click on the links below for specific information.
• Reopening 2020-21
• Student Registration
• Meal Routes
• Mental Health and Behavior Resources
• Message from the Superintendent & News Releases
• Independent Learning & Internet Access
• Athletics
• District and School Events
• Travel and Field Trips
• End of the Year Guide 2019-2020
• COVID-19 FAQs and Information
If you are a parent or student needing help with school-related technology, please call our Technology Help Desk at 770-860-4259.
Mensaje del Superintendente - Deportes de secundaria pospuestos al segundo semestre
Update (8/3/20): Open House Schedule
Virtual Open House Schedule, click here.
Para el horario de puertas abiertas virtuales, haga clic aquí.
Mensaje del Superintendente - No hay deportes en la escuela intermedia (Grados 6-8) para el otoño de 2020, banda de marcha posupestos al segundo semestre
Update (July 29): RCPS to deliver meals for fall semester 2020-2021
RCPS mobile meal routes (Be Bright Eat Right Rockdale) will continue through August 6, 2020. After a short break, RCPS will be providing breakfast and lunch meals beginning August 24, 2020 to enrolled students who wish to receive them. We are working on a plan to deliver meals Monday through Friday within a short distance of every student’s home.
Federal regulations will require us to follow our regular meal pricing structure for meals delivered during the school year. To sign up for Free and Reduced Meals, click here. More detailed information will be coming out soon. Please continue to visit for the latest information.
Las rutas móviles de comidas de RCPS (Be Bright Eat Right Rockdale) continuarán hasta el 6 de agosto de 2020. Después de un breve descanso, RCPS proporcionará comidas de desayuno y almuerzo a partir del 24 de agosto de 2020 a los estudiantes inscritos que deseen recibirlas. Estamos trabajando en un plan para entregar comidas de lunes a viernes a poca distancia de la casa de cada estudiante. Las regulaciones federales requerirán que sigamos nuestra estructura de precios de comidas regulares para las comidas entregadas durante el año escolar. Para suscribirse a comidas gratuitas y reducidas, haga clic aquí . Pronto saldrá información más detallada. Continúe visitando para obtener información actualizada.
Update (July 16): RCPS fully virtual for fall semester 2020-21
RCPS Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts announced Thursday that
RCPS will implement a virtual-only instructional model for all students and will not return to brick-and-mortar classrooms for the 2020-21 fall semester. The school year will start August 24, 2020 virtually and will remain virtual for the fall semester.
Superintendent Dr. Oatts said, “Our focus for the last few months has been on working diligently to pursue a reopening plan that prioritizes student and staff safety and well-being. I commend our staff for their patience, persistence, and professionalism as they’ve worked collaboratively to create processes and structures that maximize student and staff safety.
As Superintendent, I recognize and accept that ultimately the safety and well-being of our district's 20,000+ students and staff are my responsibility. I’ve always maintained that in planning for reopening our schools, our charge is to minimize as much risk as possible while understanding that, despite our best efforts, we cannot totally eliminate all risk. The issue has always been – can we sufficiently eliminate enough risk.
After careful deliberation and extensive engagement with our county’s diverse stakeholders, I’ve concluded that we are unable to sufficiently minimize enough risk for our students and staff at this stage of COVID-19's trajectory locally here in Rockdale, regionally in metropolitan Atlanta, and statewide in Georgia.
Consequently, I have decided that Rockdale County Public Schools will not resume any in-person instruction for staff and students during the fall semester of the upcoming 2020-21 school year. Instead, we will deploy our substantial digital assets to ensure the continuity of instructional delivery in a virtual format throughout fall semester.
During this time, we will continue to work vigorously to ensure a safe reopening of schools for second semester. At that point, we will be beyond the height of the flu season and what public health experts predict could be a difficult COVID-19 spike or even a second wave mid to late fall. I reserve the discretion to apply all our reopening planning to include the hybrid model and other instructional service delivery options for our second semester reopening, subject to public health conditions.
I do not make this decision lightly, but I most definitely make this decision in the interest of student and staff safety and well-being and the well-being of the community in Rockdale County.”
More details on the 2020-21 fall semester will be coming soon. Please make sure to check back to
El Superintendente de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Rockdale (RCPS), Dr. Terry Oatts, anunció que RCPS implementará un modelo de instrucción solo virtual para todos los estudiantes y no regresarán a las aulas físicas para el semestre de otoño 2020-21. El año escolar comenzará virtualmente el 24 de agosto de 2020 y seguirá siendo virtual durante el semestre de otoño.
El superintendente Dr. Oatts dijo: “Nuestro enfoque durante los últimos meses ha sido trabajar diligentemente para seguir un plan de reapertura que priorice la seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes y el personal. Elogio a nuestro personal por su paciencia, persistencia y profesionalismo, ya que han trabajado en colaboración para crear procesos y estructuras que maximicen la seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal.
Como Superintendente, reconozco y acepto que, en última instancia, la seguridad y el bienestar de los más de 20,000 estudiantes y el personal de nuestro distrito son mi responsabilidad. Siempre he sostenido que al planificar la reapertura de nuestras escuelas, nuestro cargo es minimizar el mayor riesgo posible al tiempo que entiendo que, a pesar de nuestros mejores esfuerzos, no podemos eliminar totalmente todos los riesgos. El problema siempre ha sido: ¿podemos eliminar suficientemente el riesgo suficiente?
Después de una cuidadosa deliberación y un amplio compromiso con las diversas partes interesadas de nuestro condado, he concluido que no podemos minimizar suficientemente el riesgo suficiente para nuestros estudiantes y el personal en esta etapa de la trayectoria de COVID-19 localmente aquí en Rockdale, regionalmente en el área metropolitana de Atlanta y en todo el estado en Georgia.
En consecuencia, he decidido que las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Rockdale no reanudarán ninguna instrucción en persona para el personal y los estudiantes durante el semestre de otoño del próximo año escolar 2020-21. En cambio, implementaremos nuestros activos digitales sustanciales para garantizar la continuidad de la entrega de instrucciones en un formato virtual durante el semestre de otoño.
Durante este tiempo, continuaremos trabajando vigorosamente para asegurar una reapertura segura de las escuelas para el segundo semestre. En ese momento, estaremos más allá de la temporada de gripe y lo que los expertos en salud pública predicen que podría ser un pico de COVID-19 difícil o incluso una segunda ola a mediados o finales del otoño. Me reservo la discreción de aplicar toda nuestra planificación de reapertura para incluir el modelo híbrido y otras opciones de prestación de servicios de instrucción para nuestra reapertura del segundo semestre, sujeto a condiciones de salud pública.
No tomo esta decisión a la ligera, pero definitivamente tomo esta decisión en interés de la seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes y el personal y el bienestar de la comunidad en el Condado de Rockdale."
Pronto habrán más detalles sobre el semestre de otoño 2020-21. Vuelva con frecuencia a
Update (July 10): RCPS opens virtual learning application for elementary and survey for middle and high
Conyers, Ga. – Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) is offering a full-time virtual learning option for the 2020-21 school year. Parents of children in grades K-5 will be able to apply for the virtual option July 10 – July 24, 2020. Parents of middle and high school students are asked to indicate their desire to participate in full-time virtual learning through an interest survey during the same two weeks, July 10 – July 24, 2020. Details and links to both the application and the survey are on our website
Elementary parents who desire the full-time virtual learning option will apply through their Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Instructions on how to apply and detailed program information are provided in the K-5 Elementary Virtual Option Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available at
To better plan and meet the needs of our students, RCPS seeks to understand how many middle and high school students have an interest in full-time virtual learning. We have created a short survey to capture the interest level of our middle and high school parents and students.
RCPS asks that one survey be completed for every student who has an interest during the survey window of July 10 – 24, 2020. In the event both parent and student reply to the survey, only the parent choice will be considered. Those who indicate interest through the survey will be sent more detailed information on how to apply for the middle or high school virtual learning option. Please
click here for the Middle and High School Full-time Virtual Learning Survey or go to
For more information on RCPS Reopening 2020-21, please visit
RCPS abre la aplicación de aprendizaje virtual para los grados K-5 y la encuesta para los grados 6-12
Conyers, Ga. - Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Rockdale (RCPS) están ofreciendo una opción de aprendizaje virtual a tiempo completo para el año escolar 2020-21. Los padres de niños en los grados K-5 podrán solicitar la opción virtual del 10 de julio al 24 de julio de 2020. Se les pide a los padres de estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria que indiquen su deseo de participar en el aprendizaje virtual a tiempo completo a través de una encuesta de interés. durante las mismas dos semanas, del 10 al 24 de julio de 2020. Los detalles y enlaces a la aplicación y la encuesta están en nuestro sitio web
Los padres de primaria que deseen la opción de aprendizaje virtual a tiempo completo solicitarán a través de su portal de padres Infinite Campus. Las instrucciones sobre cómo presentar la solicitud y la información detallada del programa se encuentran en las Preguntas Frecuentes de la Opción Virtual Elemental K-5 disponibles en
Para planificar mejor y satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes, RCPS busca comprender cuántos estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria tienen interés en el aprendizaje virtual a tiempo completo. Hemos creado una breve encuesta para capturar el nivel de interés de nuestros padres y estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria.
RCPS solicita que se complete una encuesta por cada estudiante que tenga interés durante la ventana de la encuesta del 10 al 24 de julio de 2020. En caso de que tanto el padre como el estudiante respondan a la encuesta, solo se considerará la elección de los padres. Aquellos que indiquen interés a través de la encuesta recibirán información más detallada sobre cómo solicitar la opción de aprendizaje virtual en la escuela intermedia o secundaria. Haga clic aquí para la Encuesta de aprendizaje virtual de tiempo completo de la escuela intermedia y secundaria o vaya a
Para obtener más información sobre RCPS Reapertura 2020-21, visite
Update (July 1): RCPS produce and milk giveaway drive-through for Rockdale families, July-August 2020
Beginning Tuesday, July 7, 2020, Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) will be distributing free boxes of produce and gallons of milk to Rockdale County residents through the USDA Farmers to Families Program. RCPS will distribute at the Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Dr., each Tuesday in July and August beginning at 4 p.m. This is a drive-through event and cars should enter from Culpepper Dr. off Parker Rd.
“We are thrilled to be able to assist those in need through this great program,” says RCPS Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts. “Our School Nutrition Department has served over 450,000 meals since March and continues to serve meals to all children under 18 years of age throughout the summer. This is just another example of their willingness to go above and beyond to ensure no one goes hungry in Rockdale County. We certainly appreciate the assistance of the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office in facilitating this free food distribution.”
As part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced in April that USDA is exercising authority under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to purchase and distribute agricultural products to those in need.
Entrega de frutas, verduras y leche para las familias de Rockdale, julio-agosto de 2020
A partir del martes 7 de julio de 2020, las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Rockdale (RCPS) distribuirán cajas gratuitas de productos y galones de leche a los residentes del Condado de Rockdale a través del Programa Farmers to Families del USDA. RCPS distribuirá en Rockdale Career Academy, 1064 Culpepper Dr., todos los martes de julio y agosto a partir de las 4 p.m. Este es un evento de autoservicio y los autos deben ingresar desde Culpepper Dr. en Parker Rd.
Update (June 18): Revised 2020-2021 Calendar approved
The Rockdale County Board of Education approved a revised school calendar for the 2020-2021 school year at their regular meeting on June 18, 2020. The approved calendar has several key changes, including the start and end dates for the school year.
“I impaneled three cross-functional committees to research and develop flexible plans for safely reopening schools in the fall,” said Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts. “The committees are made up of faculty, staff and parents, representing different grade levels and functional areas of operations and teaching and learning. While still in the process of developing all of the details and gathering feedback through our student, parent, and staff survey, I am pleased to present a revised school calendar so families and staff can begin planning for the next school year. This calendar affords us more time to prepare and consider stakeholder feedback, guidance from health officials, and the myriad of challenges such as health screening, social distancing, increased cleaning protocols, and the potential for future school closures.”
The approved 2020-2021 calendar includes the following highlights:
• August 14-21 – Pre-Planning (in-person)
• August 24-September 4 – “Virtual Jumpstart”
o Virtual Jumpstart will be in-person for students in grades K-3 to become familiar with their devices, while students in grades 4-12 will be engaged in virtual learning from home during these two weeks.
• Monday, September 7 – Labor Day Holiday
• Tuesday, September 8 – First Day of School
o School will start with a Hybrid Model of in-person and virtual (Independent) learning to reduce the number of students in the buildings at one time. Details pertaining to the Hybrid Model and Independent Learning will be shared in the coming days and weeks.
• Thursday, June 10, 2021 – Last Day of School for Students
• Friday, June 11, 2021 – Post-Planning
The complete approved RCPS 2020-2021 School Year Calendar can be found at Or scroll down on this page.
Calendario revisado 2020-21 aprobado
Conyers, Ga. - La Junta de Educación del Condado de Rockdale aprobó un calendario escolar revisado para el año escolar 2020-2021 en su reunión regular el 18 de junio de 2020. El calendario aprobado tiene varios cambios clave, incluidas las fechas de inicio y finalización de la escuela año.
"Enganché a tres comités interfuncionales para investigar y desarrollar planes flexibles para reabrir las escuelas de manera segura en el otoño", dijo el Dr. Terry Oatts, Superintendente de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Rockdale (RCPS). “Los comités están compuestos por profesores, personal y padres, que representan diferentes niveles de grado y áreas funcionales de operaciones y enseñanza y aprendizaje. Si bien todavía estamos en el proceso de desarrollar todos los detalles y recopilar comentarios a través de nuestra encuesta de estudiantes, padres y personal, me complace presentar un calendario escolar revisado para que las familias y el personal puedan comenzar a planificar el próximo año escolar. Este calendario nos brinda más tiempo para preparar y considerar los comentarios de las partes interesadas, la orientación de los funcionarios de salud y la gran cantidad de desafíos, como la evaluación de la salud, el distanciamiento social, el aumento de los protocolos de limpieza y la posibilidad de futuros cierres de escuelas ”.
El calendario aprobado 2020-2021 incluye los siguientes puntos destacados:
• 14-21 de agosto - Planificación previa (para maestros, en persona)
• 24 de agosto al 4 de septiembre - "Virtual Jumpstart" (Arranque Virtual)
o Virtual Jumpstart será en persona para que los estudiantes en los grados K-3 se familiaricen con sus dispositivos, mientras que los estudiantes en los grados 4-12 participarán en el aprendizaje virtual desde casa durante estas dos semanas.
• Lunes 7 de septiembre: feriado del Día del Trabajo
• Martes 8 de septiembre: primer día de clases
o La escuela comenzará con un modelo híbrido de aprendizaje en persona y virtual (Aprendizaje Independiente) para reducir el número de estudiantes en los edificios al mismo tiempo. Los detalles relacionados con el modelo híbrido y el aprendizaje independiente se compartirán en los próximos días y semanas.
• Jueves 10 de junio de 2021 - Último día de clases para estudiantes
• Viernes 11 de junio de 2021 - Planificación posterior
El calendario completo aprobado del año escolar RCPS 2020-2021 se puede encontrar en
(Click here for PDF of Revised 2020-21 Calendar / Haga clic aquí para ver el PDF del calendario revisado 2020-21)
Update (June 16): Survey for Students/Parents/Staff on Reopening of Schools
The following survey aims to collect perspectives from RCPS students, parents, and staff on preparations for reopening our schools. We have diligently planned for a safe reopening of our schools, but we need to ensure that our plans meet the needs of our students, staff, and community to the fullest extent possible. This survey will only take about 10 minutes to complete and will be available until
June 30, 2020. Please click the link below to begin:
(or visit )
Encuesta para estudiantes, padres y personal de RCPS sobre reapertura de escuelas 2020
La siguiente encuesta tiene como objetivo recopilar las perspectivas de los estudiantes, padres y personal de RCPS sobre los preparativos para reabrir nuestras escuelas. Hemos planificado diligentemente una reapertura segura de nuestras escuelas, pero debemos asegurarnos de que nuestros planes satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes, personal y comunidad en la mayor medida posible. Esta encuesta solo tardará unos 10 minutos en completarse y estará disponible hasta el 30 de junio de 2020. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para comenzar:
(o visite
Update (June 8): RCPS Central Office open by appointment starting July 6
RCPS Central Office will be open starting July 6, 2020, by appointment only, M-Th, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Please email
[email protected] to make an appointment. For school office hours and appointments, please contact
your school front desk.
La Oficina Central de RCPS estará abierta a partir del 6 de julio de 2020, solo con cita previa, lunes a jueves, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] para hacer una cita. Para horarios y citas para la oficina de su escuela, llame a la recepción de su escuela.
Update (June 3): Mobile Meal Routes will not run June 29 - July 3, 2020 and will resume July 6 - August 6, 2020
The following local nonprofits are also offering free food during the summer (
Las siguientes organizaciones también ofrecen comida gratis durante el verano):
• Rockdale Emergency Relief Food Pantry - Tuesdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m., 350 Tall Oaks Drive, Conyers, GA.
• Springfield Baptist Church Drive-Thru Food Pantry - Fridays June 12 - July 10, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 1877 Iris Drive SE, Conyers, GA. No registration. Face mask required. Remain in your vehicle, food will be placed in your trunk.
• New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, drive-through food pantry
- Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 6400 Woodrow Road, Stonecrest, GA.
Las rutas de comidas no se ejecutarán del 29 de junio al 3 de julio de 2020 y se reanudarán del 6 de julio al 6 de agosto de 2020. Para conocer las ubicaciones y horarios de las rutas de comidas, visite
Las siguientes organizaciones también ofrecen comida gratis durante el verano:
• Rockdale Emergency Relief Food Pantry - martes de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. y los jueves de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. y 4-6 p.m., 350 Tall Oaks Drive, Conyers, GA.
• Iglesia Bautista Springfield despensa de alimentos para autoservicio - viernes 12 de junio - 10 de julio, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 1877 Iris Drive SE, Conyers, GA. No hay registro. Se requiere mascarilla. Permanezca en su vehículo, se colocarán alimentos en su maletero.
• Nueva Iglesia Bautista Misionera de Nacimiento, despensa de comida para autoservicio - Sábados de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m., 6400 Woodrow Road, Stonecrest, GA.
Update (June 1): Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremonies and Activities
Class of 2020 digital billboards (Keenan billboard on Iris Drive)
• SHS – Tuesday, June 16 and Monday, June 22
• RCHS/RMSST – Thursday, June 18 and Tuesday, June 23
• HHS – Friday, June 19 and Wednesday, June 24
SHS Virtual Graduation - June 24, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
RCHS/RMSST Virtual Graduation - Thursday, June 25, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
HHS Virtual Graduation - Friday, June 26, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
For more details about your school's graduation activities, please visit the website of your high school.
Update (June 1): RCPS Athletics to restart July 6
RCPS athletic activities and athletic facility use will restart
July 6, 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic precautions.
Update (May 26): Summer Reading Challenge recommendations
Click here for 2020 Summer Reading recommendations. The RCPS Summer Reading Challenge encourages a lifelong reading habit. The suggested reading time for this challenge is 20 minutes a day for students in grades K-12. Students are encouraged to record the number of minutes read on the Summer Reading Log.
Update (May 22): Message from the Superintendent - Committed to world-class in an unprecedented year
As we are wrapping up the 2019-20 school year, I wanted to pause to reiterate my profound gratitude to you for your tremendous patience, perseverance, and professionalism as we’ve navigated a public health crisis unprecedented in our lifetime.
To our students and families, I appreciate and commend your resiliency as you were forced to adapt to a global pandemic that proved to be as disruptive as it is historic. While our students are most definitely digital natives, I personally understand the challenging nature of immediately transitioning from direct instruction provided by engaging and personable teachers within classrooms to our digital learning management system and videoconferencing tools that understandably did not always resonate in the same way as direct and personal instruction.
To our teachers, thank you for your commitment and dedication to affording students some remarkable learning experiences all school year but particularly within the last two months during our school closure. Your resolve during our digital independent learning has enabled our district to analyze and assess our digital infrastructure so that we can continue to improve and enhance our overall digital capacity.
To our principals and other administrative personnel, I commend your amazing work ethic during this public health crisis as you’ve demonstrated sound digital leadership under some extenuating circumstances. Your quality assurance and support of our schools’ professional learning communities have been exemplary in many respects.
With regard to our school-level and district-based classified and certified support personnel, I am indeed grateful to you for your substantial specialized and technical support of our instructional and administrative personnel. Your support services - such as driving thousands of miles facilitating the delivery of over a quarter million meals to our families, providing countless hours of tech support to staff and students, ensuring the continuity of payroll processing, and maintaining our facilities - are essential to the success of our efforts.
Notwithstanding these challenges, what inevitably carried the day was our world-class people!
I’d also like to bring you up to speed on our ongoing efforts and planning to ensure a safe reopening of our district’s schools for the 2020-21 school year. I have impaneled three distinct committees to work on critical aspects of ensuring a safe reopening of schools. These committees are the Alternative Calendars Committee, Alternative Schedules Committee, and the Reopening Schools Committee. These committees are chaired or facilitated by key members of my Executive and Senior Cabinets, and they have specific functions which are developing multiple alternative 2020-21 school calendars that feature a later start date for staff and students; designing alternative schedules for our elementary/middle/high schools that are conducive to adherence to prevailing public health guidance on social distancing and other mitigation measures; and establishing comprehensive procedural guidelines for safely reopening our schools. I will receive the recommendations of the aforementioned committees and carefully deliberate and make a final decision on our 2020-21 School Calendar, Schedules, and Reopening Guidelines. This pertinent information will be promptly communicated to our Board, our district’s employees and our school communities and families.
Despite these challenges, we remain committed to achieving world-class results for our students. Please know that I will continue to keep you informed throughout the summer on final decisions on all these key issues, and we will of course share such decisions via our website and social media. Stay safe and find creative ways to enjoy the summer break with your family. Thanks for all you do!
Dr. Terry O. Oatts
Rockdale County Public Schools
Update (May 22): Message from the Superintendent - Virtual Graduations and Proms
Good evening RCPS Juniors and Seniors and families,
While we had every intention of moving forward with traditional prom and graduations, after careful consideration, I have decided that RCPS will not proceed with in-person ceremonies for prom or graduation. As both a former high school assistant principal and high school principal, I do not make this decision lightly. While this decision was difficult in many respects, the safety and well-being of our students and employees are the top priorities for the Rockdale County Board of Education and for me.
In arriving at this decision, I have taken into account a wide range of public health data to include the relatively high percentage of asymptomatic COVID-19 transmission, the analysis by public health officials that premature easing of mitigation measures could result in spikes in infections within the next month, and the logistical challenges of effectively achieving and enforcing social distancing among hundreds of graduates before, during, and after an in-person ceremony. While Rockdale County currently has one of the lowest COVID-19 infection and death rates in the metropolitan region, this is due largely to the decisive action taken by RCPS and our local governments to promptly respond to this public health crisis.
While I have determined that it would not be prudent to proceed with in-person ceremonies, I’ve directed our principals all along to plan for virtual prom and graduation ceremonies in the event that in-person ceremonies were not feasible. I am happy to share that such virtual ceremonies will proceed.
School administrators will share more detailed information with students in the coming days.
Thanks for your understanding and support as we continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students and staff. I hope you have a safe and healthy Memorial Day weekend.
Dr. Terry O. Oatts, Ed.D.
Rockdale County Public Schools
Update (May 15): Mobile Meal Routes will not run Monday, May 25, 2020 in observance of Memorial Day
Las Rutas de Comidas no se ejecutarán el lunes 25 de mayo de 2020 en conmemoración del Día de los Caídos (Memorial Day).
Update (May 14): Mobile Meal Routes changing to Monday-Thursday
Beginning May 18, 2020 RCPS mobile meal routes will change to Monday through Thursday. Friday meals will be given out with Thursday meals.
Click here or scroll down to find the delivery schedule and locations for RCPS Mobile Meal Routes with RCPS school buses bringing free meals to children up through age 18 in Rockdale County.
A partir del 18 de mayo de 2020, las rutas de comidas de RCPS cambiarán de lunes a jueves. Las comidas de los viernes se entregarán con las comidas de los jueves. Haga clic aquí o desplácese hacia abajo para encontrar el cronograma de entrega y las ubicaciones de las Rutas de comidas móviles de RCPS con autobuses escolares de RCPS que ofrecen comidas gratuitas a niños de hasta 18 años en el Condado de Rockdale.
Update (April 17): Valedictorians and Salutatorians announced
Congratulations, Valedictorians and Salutatorians for the Class of 2020! Vals and Sals were notified in a surprise announcement Friday, April 17, 2020 with a caravan of administrators, counselors and teachers driving to each student’s home with a sign to celebrate and highlight these top scholars (
for the full article, CLICK HERE).
Update (April 15): Meal Routes will continue through July 24, 2020
Click here or scroll down to find the delivery schedule and locations for RCPS Mobile Meal Routes with RCPS school buses bringing free meals to children up through age 18 in Rockdale County.
Update (April 13): RCPS End of the Year Guide
>> Click here for End of the Year Guide
Please make sure to check the
RCPS End of the Year Guide page. The End of the Year Guide includes information about
grades, transcripts, retention/promotion, student registration, and more. Some important dates include:
May 7, 2020 - Last day of Independent Learning Days.
May 14, 2020 - Last day to turn in assignments.
May 22, 2020 - Last day of work for 190-day employees.
Laptop Return and Retrieval of Personal Items and Yearbooks - dates to be announced and communicated later this month.
Proms - All high schools are working on alternative plans to hold proms (pending COVID-19 pandemic conditions). Schools will communicate details with their students.
Graduations - Commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2020 are scheduled for June (pending COVID-19 pandemic conditions):
Meal Routes - RCPS Mobile Meal Routes will continue through the summer until July 24, 2020.
Update (April 2): Mobile Meal Routes paused during Spring Break, resume April 13
RCPS mobile meal routes will pause during Spring Break, April 6-10, 2020, in order to give our staff a chance to recharge and reorganize. The meal routes will continue April 13, 2020 through the end of the school year.
Local nonprofits are offering pick-up meals and food during the Spring Break:
• Sankofa Community Food Pantry, drive-through lunch for children - April 1-May 15, 2020, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday-Friday, 1240 Sigman Road, Conyers, GA.
• Rockdale Emergency Relief Food Pantry - Tuesdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m.-1p.m. and 4-6 p.m., 350 Tall Oaks Drive, Conyers, GA.
• New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, drive-through food pantry - Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 6400 Woodrow Road, Stonecrest, GA.
Update (April 1): Closure extended to end of school year (Cierre extendido hasta el final del año escolar)
Message from Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts:
"I am writing to share that Governor Kemp has just announced that he will be issuing an executive order that directs that all schools in the state be closed for the remainder of this school year. I realize that this is a significant move, but the nature of this public health crisis requires such action. Nothing is more important than our students’ and staff’s safety and well-being. In forthcoming correspondence, I will share more information with you on the implications for this executive order on Rockdale County Public Schools. What you can be assured of is that we will continue to do right by our staff and students. Of course next week is our Spring Break, and there will be no Independent Learning or meal delivery routes; however, both will resume after Spring Break. Thank you for doing your part in the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Together we will navigate this unprecedented public health crisis."
In the coming days, we will be communicating with families, students and staff what this executive order means for Rockdale County Public Schools. Please continue to check this page,, for updates and information.
Update (March 30): April 2020 Board of Education meetings via teleconference
Rockdale County Board of Education meetings for the month of April 2020 during the COVID-19 coronavirus public health crisis will be conducted via web teleconference. To view the published agendas, visit Click on “Meetings” at the top of the page. The meeting page lists all school board meetings. Click on the “Meeting Title” to see the agenda for the meeting.
To access the live meetings, visit
The Rockdale County Board of Education will meet on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. for a special called meeting for personnel. The Rockdale County Board of Education's Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. The work session will follow at 6:00 p.m. The Rockdale County Board of Education will meet on Thursday, April 23, 2020 for the regular session at 7:00 p.m.
For more information, visit the Rockdale County Board of Education website visit or the Board of Education information page at
Update (March 26): COVID-19 Closure extended, RCPS plans to reopen April 27
RCPS schools and offices will remain closed through April 24th and are tentatively scheduled to reopen April 27th, following the Governor's executive order. Independent Learning Days, Meal Routes, and tech help desk services will continue through April 3rd, will close for Spring Break April 6th-10th, and will resume April 13th-24th. Proms for Rockdale County High School, Heritage High School, Salem High School and the annual school banquet for Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology have been canceled. Please check with
your school for further details.
Message from the Superintendent:
(Click here for video of the Message from the Superintendent)
"As you may know, Governor Kemp has just issued an updated executive order that extends our current school closure to Friday, April 24, 2020 with a tentative return to school date of Monday, April 27, 2020. Accordingly, I will comply by extending RCPS’ closure through Friday, April 24, 2020 with our tentative return date being Monday, April 27, 2020. We will still observe our spring break, April 6th-10th during which time we will observe a respite from ILD and our meal delivery services; however, they will both resume on Monday, April 13, 2020.
"I hope that you and your family are safe and that you are taking all necessary precautions as we continue to deal with the COVID-19 public health crisis. I also wish to commend our teachers, staff, and parents for their diligence in digitally ensuring instructional continuity for our students. Please know that I understand the nature of the compounded challenges that you are experiencing in acclimating to a protracted ILD schedule - managing your kids’ digital learning experiences, stocking up periodically on groceries, and perhaps dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on family, friends, and loved ones. My commitment is to ensure optimal district support as we navigate this unprecedented public health crisis together."
Actualización (26 de marzo): cierre de COVID-19 extendido, RCPS planea reabrir el 27 de abril
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Rockdale (RCPS), siguiendo la orden ejecutiva emitida por el gobernador Brian Kemp hoy para cerrar las escuelas de Georgia hasta el 24 de abril de 2020, las escuelas y oficinas de RCPS permanecerán cerradas y están programadas para reabrir el 27 de abril de 2020. Los protocolos del Día de Aprendizaje Independiente (ILD) y las rutas de entrega de comidas Be Bright Eat Right Rockdale (BBERR) continuarán hasta el 3 de abril, y se suspenderán durante las vacaciones de primavera, del 6 al 10 de abril, pero continuarán del 13 al 24 de abril. Se han cancelado los bailes de fin de año o Proms para Rockdale County High School, Heritage High School, Salem High School y el banquete escolar anual de Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology. Por favor, consulte con su escuela para más detalles.
Mensaje del superintendente:
"Como sabrán, el gobernador Kemp acaba de emitir una orden ejecutiva actualizada que extiende nuestro cierre actual de la escuela hasta el viernes 24 de abril de 2020 con una fecha tentativa de regreso a la escuela del lunes 27 de abril de 2020. En consecuencia, cumpliré extendiendo nuestro cierre hasta el viernes 24 de abril de 2020 con nuestra fecha de regreso tentativa el lunes 27 de abril de 2020. Todavía observaremos nuestras vacaciones de primavera, del 6 al 10 de abril, tiempo durante el cual observaremos un respiro de ILD y nuestros servicios de entrega de comidas; sin embargo, ambos se reanudarán el lunes 13 de abril de 2020.
"Espero que usted y su familia estén saludables y que estén tomando todas las precauciones necesarias mientras continuamos afrontando la crisis de salud pública COVID-19. También deseo felicitar a nuestros maestros, personal y padres por su diligencia en asegurar la continuidad de la instrucción digital para nuestros estudiantes. Por favor, sepa que entiendo la naturaleza de los desafíos compuestos que está experimentando al adaptarse a un horario prolongado de ILD - administrar las experiencias de aprendizaje digital de sus hijos, abastecerse periódicamente en comestibles, y tal vez lidiar con el impacto de COVID-19 en la familia, amigos y seres queridos. Mi compromiso es garantizar un apoyo óptimo del distrito a medida que navegamos juntos por esta crisis de salud pública sin precedentes."
Update (March 25): Meal Routes and Tech Help Continues
Please note - Our community partners
Rockdale County and
City of Conyers have enacted a Shelter in Place ordinance March 26-April 8, 2020 to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).
RCPS meal routes and RCPS technology help desk services are considered essential activities by the city and county. RCPS meal routes and tech help desk will continue to operate Monday-Friday but will close over the Spring Break, April 6-10, 2020. Please continue to practice safe social distancing while receiving meals from buses or services from the technology help desk at RCPS Central Office. For the meal route locations and times,
click here. To make an appointment for help with RCPS school-issued laptops and devices, please call our Technology Help Desk at 770-860-4259. Thank you for doing your part in the fight against COVID-19!
Update: P&I Specialists (Behavior Assistance) Available
>>Click here to book an appointment
Your Prevention and Intervention (P&I) Specialists are available during Independent Learning Days! Any student in RCPS will have access to
this link to request an appointment or follow-up contact.
A P&I Specialist is someone who assists students who may be experiencing difficulty with behavior issues and assists with students' social/emotional needs through individual and/or group sessions. Each specialist is trained in the delivery of evidence-based practices and programs designed to help your child achieve success in school. P&I Specialists are on-the-scene at their respective schools as part of RCPS student support services.
During Independent Learning Days, the Prevention and Intervention Specialist team can be reached via email or by phone. Their email addresses are in the link below & above where you can also request an appointment with them. Please keep in mind that the Independent Learning school day ends at normal school hours (4 p.m. at the latest). Any calls, emails or appointment requests after this time will be returned on the following school day.
Whenever needed, please feel free to click the link below, fill out the needed information and submit. An email will be sent to the Prevention and Intervention team and your P&I Specialist will reach out to you!
Click the link below to contact or book an appointment with a P&I Specialist:
Update (March 20): AP Exam Changes
The College Board, which administers the AP (Advanced Placement) exams, is offering online exam administration instead of the traditional face-to-face exam administration, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students who are already registered for an exam can also cancel at no charge.
Click here for more information or visit .
Update (March 19): New Locations and Times for Meal Routes
Please scroll down go to to see the new delivery locations added to the meal delivery routes. Updates to the Meal Delivery Routes will be posted each evening.
Update (March 17): RCPS closure extended
Independent Learning Day (ILD) protocols will continue until April 3, 2020.
BBERR Meal Delivery Routes will continue until April 3, 2020.
Spring Break is April 6-10, 2020.
RCPS schools and offices are tentatively scheduled to reopen April 13, 2020.
Message from Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts:
“I am following up to notify you of additional determinations I’ve made regarding our district’s school closure. Yesterday, Governor Kemp’s mandated closure of all Georgia school districts resulted in the extension of our district’s school closure through Tuesday, March 31st. After careful consultation and deliberation, I’ve decided to extend our school closure through the remainder of the week of March 30th through April 3rd.
Consequently, RCPS will be closed through our scheduled Spring Break of April 6th through April 10th. At present, RCPS is tentatively slated to resume normal school operations on Monday, April 13, 2020. Please know that I do not make such decisions lightly; however, our staff’s, students’, and community’s safety and well-being are our top priorities during this unprecedented public health crisis. I would remind you that Covid-19 continues to infiltrate our state disproportionately in metropolitan Atlanta. We will remain vigilant in our COVID-19 preparedness as this virus inevitably escalates.
We will continue to execute our Independent Learning Day (ILD) and meal delivery protocols and procedures through Friday, April 3rd. I wish to personally commend our teachers, staff, administrators, parents and community for the tremendous commitment, dedication, creativity and professionalism shown during these past few weeks. Notwithstanding this unprecedented public health crisis, we will continue to pursue world-class results for our students.”
Un mensaje del superintendente: Extensión de cierre de RCPS COVID-19
"La siguiente información es para notificarles de las determinaciones adicionales que he hecho con respecto al cierre de las escuelas de nuestro distrito. Ayer, el gobernador Kemp indico el cierre de todos los distritos escolares de Georgia que resultó en la extensión del cierre de las escuelas de nuestro distrito hasta el martes 31 de marzo. Después de una cuidadosa consulta y deliberación, he decidido extender el cierre de nuestras escuelas por el resto de la semana del 30 de marzo al 3 de abril.
En consecuencia, RCPS permanecerá cerrado durante las vacaciones de primavera programadas del 6 de abril al 10 de abril. En la actualidad, RCPS está tentativamente programado a reanudar las operaciones escolares normales el lunes 13 de abril de 2020. Por favor, sepan que no tomé tales decisiones a la ligera; sin embargo, la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestro personal, estudiantes y comunidad es nuestra prioridad principal durante esta crisis de salud pública sin precedentes. Les recuerdo que COVID-19 sigue infiltrándose en nuestro estado desproporcionadamente en el área metropolitana de Atlanta. Nos quedaremos vigilantes en nuestra preparación a COVID-19 a medida que este virus inevitablemente se intensifica.
Continuaremos ejecutando nuestro Día de Aprendizaje Independiente (ILD), protocolos y procedimientos de entrega de comidas hasta el viernes 3 de abril. Deseo felicitar personalmente a nuestros maestros, personal, administradores, padres y comunidad por el tremendo compromiso, dedicación, creatividad y profesionalismo mostrados durante estas últimas semanas. A pesar de esta crisis de salud pública sin precedentes, seguiremos tras resultados de clase mundial para nuestros estudiantes."
Update (March 16): Georgia Milestones Assessments suspended
The Georgia Department of Education is suspending Georgia Milestones including the End of Grade (EOG) assessments and End of Course (EOC) assessments.
Click here for more information.
Actualización (16 de marzo): Las evaluaciones Milestones de Georgia estan suspendidas
El Departamento de Educación de Georgia está suspendiendo las evaluaciones Milestones de Georgia, incluidas las evaluaciones de fin de grado (EOG) y las evaluaciones de fin de curso (EOC). Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.
Update (March 16): All Georgia schools closed until March 31
Governor Kemp issued an executive order to close all Georgia schools March 18-31. RCPS will extend our closure and Independent Learning Days through Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Check back to this page for any updates.
Update: Mental Health Resources
• Click here for mental health resources and hotlines.
• Click here for suicide prevention resources and hotlines.
• Talking to Children about COVID-19
• Emergency FAQs
Actualización: Recursos de Salud Mental
• Haga clic aquí para obtener recursos de salud mental y líneas directas.
• Haga clic aquí para obtener recursos de prevención de suicidios y líneas directas.
• Hablar con los niños acerca de COVID-19
• Preguntas frecuentes sobre emergencias
Update: Free Internet Service
Comcast and Spectrum are offering
two months of FREE internet service for students who do not have internet service. In addition, Spectrum and Xfinity (Comcast) wifi hotspots in Conyers and across the country will be open to the public starting March 16. See the links below.
• Comcast -
• Spectrum - Call 1-844-488-8395,
• Spectrum Wifi Hotspots Map -
• Xfinity Wifi Hotspots Map -
Actualización: Servicio de Internet GRATUITO
Comcast y Spectrum ofrecen dos meses de servicio de Internet GRATUITO para los estudiantes que no tienen servicio de Internet. Además, los puntos de acceso wifi Spectrum y Xfinity (Comcast) en Conyers y en todo el país estarán abiertos al público a partir del 16 de marzo. Consulte los enlaces a continuación.
• Comcast -
• Spectrum - llame al 1-844-488-8395 ,
• Puntos de acceso wifi Spectrum -
• Puntos de acceso wifi Xfinity -
Update: Mobile Meal Routes Now Posted
RCPS will deliver meals on weekdays starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020 to children age 18 and under in Rockdale County neighborhoods while school buildings are closed during the Independent Learning Days. Meals will be delivered between 10:50 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. via RCPS school bus. Look for the bus and listen for the horn! Be sure to let the lunch bus know of any food allergies. Meals must be picked up at one of the delivery locations and must be picked up by the child or with a child present. If you are the parent of a child with special needs and have concerns about accessing meals, please contact us at 770-860-4258.
RCPS entregará comidas de lunes a viernes a partir del martes 17 de marzo de 2020 a los niños de 18 años y menores en los vecindarios del condado de Rockdale, mientras que los edificios escolares están cerrados durante los días de aprendizaje independiente. Las comidas se entregarán entre las 10:50 a.m. y las 2:30 p.m. a través del autobús escolar RCPS. ¡Busca el autobús y escucha la bocina! Asegúrese de informar al autobús del almuerzo de cualquier alergia alimentaria. Las comidas deben recogerse en uno de los lugares de entrega (no en Heritage High o Salem High, donde se preparan las comidas) y deben ser recogidas por el niño o con un niño presente. Si usted es padre de un niño con necesidades especiales y tiene inquietudes sobre el acceso a las comidas, comuníquese con nosotros al 770-860-4258.
10:45 a.m. Pine Street
11:00 a.m. Briar Creek Apts
11:30 a.m. Woodbridge Dr.
11:50 a.m. Brandon Glen Apts
12:30 p.m. St. Julian's Place
12:45 p.m. Village Place
1:00 p.m. Bridgestone Circle
1:20 p.m. Eastview
1:30 p.m. Lakeview Dr/Greenvalley Dr
2:30 p.m. Beth Lane/Tinsley
2:50 p.m. Pinedale Townhomes
3:20 p.m. Forest Villa
3:45 p.m. Main St./Rockbridge Rd
11:00 a.m. Edwards Circle
11:10 a.m. Nancy Guinn Library
11:30 a.m. Arbor Creek Apts
11:50 a.m. Sigman East Dr.
12:15 p.m. Northridge Subdivision
1:00 p.m. Mountain View/Wesley Way/Kingston Rd
1:30 p.m. Meadow Crossing Apts
1:50 p.m. Housing Authority/Irwin Bridge Rd
11:00 a.m. Country Walk
11:45 a.m. Avondale Blvd & Avondale Dr
12:15 p.m. Terraces at Fieldstone Apts
12:45 p.m. Avalon Parkway area
1:50 p.m. Hunting Creek
2:30 p.m. Ivy Bluff Subdivision
2:45 p.m. Benji Dr
10:45 a.m. Pickett's Ct
10:55 a.m. Salem Woods
11:15 a.m. Woodsprings Suites
11:35 a.m. Woodland Trace Apts
11:50 a.m. Tall Oaks
12:15 p.m. Brandy Woods (2 stops)
12:45 p.m. Barksdale Elementary
1:15 p.m. Lakeridge/Stanton Rd/Cindy Dr/Morris Dr/Hillside Pl
1:45 p.m. Sugar Hill Subdivision (Cherry Hill Ln/Cherry Hill Ct)
10:30 a.m. Greenhill & Cardinal
11:00 a.m. Eastmont Townhomes
11:30 a.m. Country Lane Dr
12:00 p.m. Lakeview Estates
10:45 a.m. Bridle Creek Dr
11:20 a.m. Hicks Circle
11:40 a.m. Valley Oaks & Crestview Cir
12:00 p.m. Main St. Apts
12:25 p.m. Intown Suites
12:50 p.m. Amherst Trail
1:15 p.m. Old Mill/Nugget Dr/Hwy 138
1:20 p.m. Hidden Acres
2:15 p.m. Almand Creek Subdivision
11:00 a.m. Phoenix Pass
11:10 a.m. Callaway Crossing
11:25 a.m. Milstead/Broad/Main St/Green St
11:45 a.m. Windridge Subdivision (Chelsea Dn)
12:15 p.m. River Club Subdivision
12:35 p.m. Riverchase Subdivision
12:50 p.m. Keswick Village
1:00 p.m. Hi Roc Shores
1:15 p.m. Rockview Ln/Granite Dr/Carr
1:35 p.m. Wilson Rd
1:45 p.m. Hwy 20
2:05 p.m. Rockhill
11:00 a.m. Ashbrook Dr.
11:20 a.m. Rockmont Circle
11:30 a.m. Lake St. James Apts
11:40 a.m. Adrian Circle SW
11:50 a.m. Cambridge Creek Sub
12:10 p.m. Motel 6
12:25 p.m. Lake Capri (at Clubhouse)
12:40 p.m. Travers Creek
1:00 p.m. Bridlewood Apts
1:20 p.m. Peaks Landing Apts
1:35 p.m. Shady Grove
2:00 p.m. White Oak St. / Poplar St / Hickory St.
2:20 p.m. Horizon Extended Stay
11:00 a.m. Lorraine Elementary
11:45 p.m. Honey Creek Elementary
12:30 p.m. Sims Elementary
1:00 p.m. Hightower Trail Elementary
1:30 p.m. Earl O'Neal Sports Complex at entrance gates across the street from the ball fields
Update: Mobile Meal Service During Independent Learning Days
RCPS is planning to begin mobile meal service for children 18 and under in our community during the Indepdendent Learning Days due to COVID-19. Routes are scheduled to begin on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Please check back to for route details and more information once details are finalized. We know how important school meals are to our students, and we want to ensure their nutritional needs are met during this school closure.
Sabemos lo importante que son las comidas escolares para nuestros estudiantes, y queremos asegurarnos de que se satisfagan sus necesidades nutricionales durante el cierre de las escuelas. RCPS planea comenzar el servicio móvil de comidas para niños de 18 años y menores en nuestra comunidad durante el cierre de la escuela debido a COVID-19. Las rutas están programadas para comenzar el martes 17 de marzo de 2020. Vuelva a consultar los detalles de la ruta y más información en una vez que se finalicen los detalles.
Update (March 12): Independent Learning Days March 16-27, 2020
At the recommendation of Governor Kemp and at the directive of Superintendent Dr. Oatts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 novel coronavirus in communities, RCPS will move to Independent Learning Days beginning Monday, March 16th for two weeks. Families should plan for schools and facilities to be closed the week of March 16th, the week of March 23rd, and potentially longer if needed. Friday, March 13th is a normal operational school day.
RCPS will implement Independent Learning with students using their school-issued laptops in grades 3 to 12. For students in Pre-K to 2nd grades, at-home assignments will be posted on their school websites or click here. Please be sure to remind your student to bring their laptop home with them.
This extends the measures we took earlier today to cancel or postpone events and activities. The district and schools will communicate additional information as needed. Employees will be given further instructions on Friday. Please continue to check and your school website for updated information.
We understand the tremendous disruption this presents to our community, but the health and well-being of our students and staff will always be our top priority. Thank you for doing your part to be proactive in reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Por recomendación del Gobernador Kemp y en la directriz del Superintendente de RCPS Dr. Oatts
para reducir la propagación del nuevo coronavirus COVID-19 en las comunidades, RCPS se trasladará a los Días de Aprendizaje Independiente a partir del lunes 16 de marzo durante dos semanas. Las familias deben planificar el cierre de las escuelas y las instalaciones la semana del 16 de marzo, la semana del 23 de marzo y, potencialmente, más tiempo si es necesario. El viernes 13 de marzo es un día escolar operativo normal.
RCPS implementará el aprendizaje independiente con los estudiantes que usan sus computadoras portátiles emitidas por la escuela en los grados 3-12. Para los estudiantes de grados Pre-K-2, las tareas en el hogar se publicarán en los sitios web de sus escuelas. Asegúrese de recordarle a su estudiante que traiga su computadora portátil a casa con ellos.
Esto extiende las medidas que tomamos hoy para cancelar o posponer eventos y actividades. El distrito y las escuelas comunicarán información adicional según sea necesario. Los empleados recibirán más instrucciones el viernes. Continúe revisando y el sitio web de su escuela para obtener información actualizada.
Entendemos la tremenda interrupción que esto presenta a nuestra comunidad, pero la salud y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes y personal siempre serán nuestra principal prioridad. Gracias por hacer su parte para ser proactivo en la reducción de la propagación de COVID-19.
Update (March 12, 2020):
In accordance with recommendations from the Georgia High School Association (GHSA), all RCPS athletic events will be canceled starting Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice.
De acuerdo con las recomendaciones de la Asociación de Escuelas Secundarias de Georgia (GHSA), todos los eventos deportivos de RCPS se cancelarán a partir del lunes 16 de marzo de 2020 hasta nuevo aviso.
Update (March 12, 2020):
“As we continue to actively monitor COVID-19 developments, I will always prioritize the safety and well-being of our staff, students, and families. After careful deliberation, I have determined that specific actions are required to avert potential exposure to COVID-19. I take these actions after extensive consultation with my Executive Cabinet and the public health department.” ~ Superintendent Dr. Terry Oatts
Out of an abundance of caution and based on guidelines from our public health department, Superintendent Dr. Oatts has made the decision to cancel or postpone upcoming district and school events and activities. Please note there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Rockdale County as of this time.
Here are some of the proactive social distancing measures we are taking:
• District / school field trips are canceled or postponed starting March 13th through the end of April.
• The following district events and activities are canceled or postponed:
o BEAMS Event - canceled.
o Parent Academy - canceled.
o Math 24 Competition - canceled.
o District Elementary Science and Social Studies Showcases and Thousand Voices Oratorical - canceled.
o Student recognitions at the March and April Board meetings will be postponed to a later Board meeting date.
o The Superintendent Academic Awards on March 23rd will be postponed.
o The Rotary Senior Awards on March 26th will be postponed.
o District Honor Band Performance - canceled.
Schools will be communicating any changes to school events and activities. Please contact your school for more information about school events and activities.
We ask students, families and staff to continue implementing illness prevention practices such as handwashing, respiratory etiquette, and staying home when sick. We will continue to monitor and follow guidance from health officials.
Please check back to this webpage,, for updates.
“A medida que continuamos monitoreando activamente los desarrollos de COVID-19, siempre priorizaré la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestro personal, estudiantes y familias. Después de una cuidadosa deliberación, he determinado que se requieren acciones específicas para evitar la exposición potencial al COVID-19. Tomo estas medidas después de una extensa consulta con mi Gabinete Ejecutivo y el departamento de salud pública ". ~ Superintendente Dr. Terry Oatts
Por precaución y para reducir la propagación de gérmenes, el Superintendente Dr. Oatts tomó la decisión de cancelar o posponer los próximos eventos y actividades del distrito y las escuelas. Tenga en cuenta que no hay casos confirmados de COVID-19 en el condado de Rockdale. Estas son algunas de las medidas proactivas de distanciamiento social que estamos tomando:
• Las excursiones escolares del distrito / escuelas se cancelan o posponen desde el 13 de marzo hasta finales de abril.
• Los siguientes eventos y actividades del distrito se cancelan o posponen:
o Evento BEAMS - cancelado.
o Academia de Padres - cancelada.
o Competencia de Matemáticas / Math 24 - cancelada.
o Exhibiciones de Ciencias Elementales y Estudios Sociales del Distrito y Oratoria de Mil Voces - cancelado.
o Los reconocimientos de los estudiantes en las reuniones de la Junta de marzo y abril se pospondrán para una fecha posterior.
o Los Premios Académicos del Superintendente el 23 de marzo serán pospuestos.
o Los premios de secundaria de Rotary el 26 de marzo serán pospuestos.
Pedimos a los estudiantes, las familias y el personal que continúen implementando prácticas de prevención de enfermedades como el lavado de manos, la etiqueta respiratoria y quedarse en casa cuando estén enfermos. Continuaremos monitoreando y siguiendo la guía de los funcionarios de salud.
Las escuelas comunicarán cualquier cambio en los eventos y actividades escolares. Por favor contacte a su escuela para más información.
Vuelva a esta página web, , para actualizaciones.
Update (March 10, 2020):
RCPS is following guidance from the CDC and state health department and is monitoring the situation throughout the state, nation and world. We work closely with the public health department, maintaining constant communication with epidemiologists, and continue to follow deep cleaning protocols for our facilities and buses. Should the recommendation be given from the health department, plans are in place to continue instruction under alternative operations using Independent Learning protocols. Parents and guardians should verify that their phone numbers and email addresses are correct in Infinite Campus and ensure that notification permissions are set to receive messages. Contact your school to verify your information is correct in Infinite Campus.
We ask families to help prevent the spread of illnesses by continuing to practice good hand washing techniques, respiratory etiquette, and staying home if you are sick. We also ask that you follow current CDC travel guidelines and isolation protocols outlined on their website ( for those planning to travel and those returning from traveling. For the latest updates, continue to check our COVID-19 Update Center,
(10 de marzo de 2020)
RCPS está siguiendo las instrucciones de los CDC y el departamento de salud estatal y está monitoreando la situación en todo el estado, la nación y el mundo. Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con el departamento de salud pública, manteniendo una comunicación constante con los epidemiólogos, y continuamos siguiendo los protocolos de limpieza profunda para nuestras escuelas y autobuses. Si el departamento de salud da la recomendación, existen planes para continuar la instrucción en operaciones alternativas utilizando protocolos de Aprendizaje Independiente.
Los padres deben verificar que sus números de teléfono y direcciones de correo electrónico sean correctos en Infinite Campus y asegurarse de que los permisos de notificación estén configurados para recibir mensajes. Póngase en contacto con su escuela para verificar que su información sea correcta en Infinite Campus.
Pedimos a las familias que ayuden a prevenir la propagación de enfermedades al continuar practicando buenas técnicas de lavado de manos, etiqueta respiratoria y quedarse en casa si está enfermo. También le pedimos que siga las pautas actuales de viaje de los CDC y los protocolos de aislamiento descritos en su sitio web ( ) para aquellos que planean viajar y aquellos que regresan de viajar. Para obtener las últimas actualizaciones, continúe visitando nuestro Centro de Actualizaciones COVID-19,
COVID-19 Travel Health Notice Update:
RCPS is asking families and staff who plan to travel, or who have traveled in the past 14 days, to review and follow the latest CDC guidelines for travelers. This includes staying home and monitoring your health for 14 days after returning to the United States from Warning Level 3 countries. Level 3 countries now include China, South Korea, Iran and Italy. Click here for CDC travel recommendations or visit
RCPS está pidiendo a las familias y al personal que planean viajar, o que han viajado en los últimos 14 días, que revisen y sigan las últimas pautas de los CDC para los viajeros. Esto incluye quedarse en casa y controlar su salud durante 14 días después de regresar a los Estados Unidos desde los países del Nivel 3. Los países del Nivel 3 ahora incluyen a China, Corea del Sur, Irán e Italia. Haga clic aquí para obtener recomendaciones de viaje de los CDC o visite
Message from the Superintendent:
Dear Parents,
I know there are many questions and concerns regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19). I want to let you know what we are doing to prepare our schools and to protect our students and staff. Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) is working closely with state and local health officials to monitor and prepare for the potential of a pandemic. We are committed to providing our staff and students with a safe and healthy work and learning environment throughout the school year. Earlier this school year, I impaneled an epidemiology committee of key staff members who have been working on prevention and response to illness in schools. Thanks to the Board for supporting our recommendation that added a district Lead Nurse to help with monitoring illness among students and staff, training our clinic staff, leading prevention measures, and keeping informed of the latest clinical information. Our epidemiology committee met with health officials from the Gwinnett, Newton, Rockdale (GNR) Health Departments to learn the latest facts with regard to COVID-19 and how we can prepare for a potential pandemic. Protocols are already in place at RCPS, following state and local health official guidance, addressing an outbreak of respiratory and viral illnesses. We discussed prevention measures that include some of the same measures we already have in place for preventing the spread of all germs including teaching our students good handwashing techniques, reminding them of proper respiratory etiquette, advising parents to keep sick children at home and asking staff to remain at home when sick.
We will continue to monitor and follow the information and guidelines for schools put forth by the CDC and the Georgia Department of Public Health. In addition to our district planning team, we participate in weekly conference calls with health officials and attend the Healthcare Emergency Local Planning collaborative meetings to ensure we continue to implement the recommended protocols and that we are part of a coordinated response in our community. For more information, please visit or on our website at
Dr. Terry O. Oatts, Ed.D.
Rockdale County Public Schools
Estimados padres,
Sé que puede tener preguntas y inquietudes con respecto al coronavirus (COVID-19), especialmente después de ver los titulares de los medios en curso. Quiero hacerle saber lo que estamos haciendo para preparar nuestras escuelas y proteger a nuestros estudiantes y personal. Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Rockdale (RCPS) están trabajando de cerca con los funcionarios de salud estatales y locales para monitorear y prepararse para el potencial de una pandemia de Coronavirus (COVID-19). Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar a nuestro personal y estudiantes un ambiente de trabajo y aprendizaje seguro y saludable durante todo el año escolar. A principios de este año escolar, conecté un comité de epidemiología de miembros clave del personal que han estado trabajando en la prevención y respuesta a enfermedades en las escuelas. Gracias a la Junta por apoyar nuestra recomendación que agregó una Enfermera Principal del distrito para ayudar con el monitoreo de enfermedades entre los estudiantes y el personal, capacitar al personal de la clínica, liderar las medidas de prevención y mantenerse informado de la información clínica más reciente. Nuestro comité de epidemiología se reunió con funcionarios de salud de los departamentos de salud de Gwinnett, Newton, Rockdale (GNR) para conocer los últimos hechos con respecto a COVID-19 y cómo podemos prepararnos para una posible pandemia. Los protocolos ya están vigentes en RCPS, siguiendo la guía oficial de salud estatal y local, abordando un brote de enfermedades respiratorias y virales. Discutimos medidas de prevención que incluyen algunas de las mismas medidas que ya hemos implementado para prevenir la propagación de todos los gérmenes, incluida la enseñanza de buenas técnicas de lavado de manos a nuestros estudiantes, recordarles la etiqueta respiratoria adecuada, aconsejar a los padres que mantengan a los niños enfermos en casa y pedirle al personal que permanecer en casa cuando está enfermo.
Continuaremos monitoreando y siguiendo la información y las pautas para las escuelas presentadas por el CDC y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Georgia. Además de nuestro equipo de planificación del distrito, participamos en llamadas de conferencia semanales con funcionarios de salud y asistimos a las reuniones de colaboración de Planificación Local de Emergencia de Atención Médica para asegurarnos de continuar implementando los protocolos recomendados y que somos parte de una respuesta coordinada en nuestra comunidad. Para obtener más información, visite o
Dr. Terry O. Oatts, Ed.D.
Escuelas públicas del condado de Rockdale
Click here for the latest from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Click here for the latest from the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH).
Talking to Children about COVID-19
CDC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on COVID-19
CDC Preparing and Preventing COVID-19
CDC Preparation Guidelines for Schools
CDC Prevention Guidelines for COVID-19
CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
• If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
• Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask:
º Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
CDC Poster Preventing the Spread of Germs (PDF)
Haga clic aquí para obtener la última información sobre la respuesta COVID-19 (enfermedad del Coronavirus 2019) en Georgia del sitio web del Departamento de Salud Pública de Georgia.
Haga clic aquí para obtener lo último de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC).
Guía del CDC para escuelas
Información del CDC sobre cómo prevenir la propagación de gérmenes (PDF)