The Media Programs of Rockdale County will promote student achievement and academic rigor by providing open, flexible access and current resources that support the curriculum and empower students to be lifelong readers and users of information. The Media Specialist will collaborate with teachers to provide information literacy instruction in order to develop independent learners.
Student Achievement goals
Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.
a. Generate and identify questions to focus tasks.
b. Evaluate information.
c. Evaluate sources (print and non-print, including Internet sites).
d. Implement a county-wide Inquiry based process (research process )(Big 6).
Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, and apply knowledge to new situations.
a. Organize knowledge.
b. Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings.
c. Apply knowledge to curricular areas and real-life situations.
d. Collaborate with others to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make decisions, and solve problems.
Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively.
a. Share learning through research.
b. Gain knowledge of ethical research procedures, including:
i. Correct citing.
ii. Knowledge of plagiarism.
iii. Knowledge of copyright.
c. Understand the importance of respecting differing interests and points of view and respecting the rights of others.
d. Demonstrate good teamwork.
e. Comply with county and state acceptable use of technology policies.
- Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.
a. Promote student reading involvement and recreational reading.
b. Promote researching personal interest topics.
c. Provide avenues for extracurricular reading activities and opportunities.
Media Program management goals
Collaboration: work with the teachers to deliver standards-based instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners.
Collection management: Maintain current collection that supports current learning standards and student reading interests.
Flexible scheduling and access: Maintain open flexible access to both Media Center resources and facilities. Provide open access to guidance from highly qualified, professional Media Specialist for self-selection, instruction, and collaboration.
Increase awareness of the value of the Media Program: Coordinate school-wide community reading and provide access to facilities, information, and resources.