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Community Relations

​This department oversees a multitude of services for the community, students, and employees. Student awards ceremonies, Teacher of the Year Celebration, Partners in Education, employee awards, public forums, news releases, system publications, and Foundation grant judging are just a few of the events and activities coordinated by the Community Relations Department. The primary focus of this department is to provide exceptional customer service to the Rockdale County community.

Student and Staff Support Groups

The Community Relations Department works with the Partners in Education program, the Academic Boosters program, and the Rockdale Foundation for Excellence in Education to provide even more involved activities and recognition for students and teachers.


Additionally, the Community Relations Department works with a variety of civic organizations and non-profit community organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, to create a community that values education.

Gold Cards Offer Free Entrance to Activities

Since the early 1990s, Rockdale County Public Schools (RCPS) has issued a Gold Card to Rockdale County citizens who are 65 years of age and over, to citizens who are permanently disabled, to retired RCPS teachers, and to youth ministers. This card permits the holder to attend any regular season school activity free of charge. The school system is once again extending this offer. RCPS will administer one Gold Card per qualifying person.

Our Gold Card is a way of saying "thank you" to our older community for the years they have steadfastly supported the children of Rockdale County. Their support is invaluable, their wisdom is beyond measure.

To schedule an appointment to have your picture ID made so that your Gold Card can be issued, please call the Central Office at 770-483-4713 or email [email protected] .


Contact Job Title Business Phone
Cindy Ball Chief of Strategy and Innovation 770-860-4226
Michelle Kim
Community Relations Manager
Rita Collantes
Community Relations Technician

More Information

  • Academic Booster Club
  • Golden Club
  • Inclement Weather
  • Partners In Education
  • Student Registration

  • Links

    Georgia School Public Relations Association
    National School Public Relations Association
    Publc Relations Society of America