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Language and Literacy

The Literacy Pathways program provides educators:  

• with an understanding of the role of language and literacy in successful learning
• develops a strong foundation of the reading process to inform instructional decisions for planning and implementing effective literacy instruction
• and supports educators in reflecting systematically and critically to adapt instructional practices and improve student literacy achievement.  

RCPS educators participate in differentiated literacy classes that meet during the instructional day throughout the school year. Educators learn literacy content, analyze data, practice applying the content with students during class sessions, and use their learning to support student literacy growth in their classrooms. This model has proven effective in increasing literacy achievement across the district.  

Pathways offered for educators:  

An endorsement consists of graduate-level courses that provide participants with content and application learning. Upon successful completion of the program, the endorsement will be added to the educator's teaching license.

•    Reading Endorsement:
This course prepares educators to assess students' literacy needs and plan appropriate differentiated interventions to meet the needs of all students.  Educators apply their literacy content learning by supporting a student through individualized lessons.  This application allows teachers to utilize their knowledge to make shifts in classroom literacy instruction.  
◦ A minimum of three years of teaching experience is required to be eligible for this pathway.

•    Dyslexia Endorsement: This course provides participants with specific knowledge related to reading and language development, assessment, instruction, and remediation of reading disability.  
◦ A minimum of three years of teaching experience is required to be eligible for this pathway.  

•    LETRS (LETRS-Language Essentials of Reading and Spelling): This two-year course provides educators with the knowledge and tools based on current research on what, when, and how language skills must be taught. Teachers practice and apply the content to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of all learners.  
◦ Elementary educators in this course have less than three years of teaching experience or have obtained a reading endorsement.  

•    Literacy Leaders:
This course supports secondary educators with an understanding of how literacy impacts student success across all subject areas. Educators learn how to adapt instructional practices and improve student achievement.
◦ Secondary educators in this course have less than three years of teaching experience or have obtained a reading endorsement.

photo of language and literacy teachers undergoing pathway education


"Literacy is the single most significant skill needed to function effectively in school, in the workplace, and society…it is vital to a successful education, career, and quality of life!" - Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals; Reading Rockets

photo of language and literacy teachers undergoing pathway education

photo of language and literacy teachers undergoing pathway education