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Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is a short-term reading and writing intervention for first-grade students. Specially trained teachers work individually with students in daily 30-minute lessons lasting 12 to 20 weeks.

The What Works Clearinghouse, a division of The United States Department of Education, studied the effectiveness of over 220 reading programs. They found that Reading Recovery had positive effects on every indicator measured, which included phonics (letters and letter sounds), fluency, comprehension, and reading achievement.


Reading Recovery requires ongoing data collection for each child who is served in the program. Because accountability is a key part of Reading Recovery, administrators receive annual reports at the teacher, school, and district levels.


“The search for solutions has no end.” (Marie Clay)  

All RCPS Elementary schools have a Reading Recovery teacher serving first-grade students.

Photo of Reading Recovery elementary teachers as a group, Barksdale ES: Bridgett Head,CJ Hicks ES: Dornalie Henry-Antoine,Flat Shoals ES: Dr. Tamala Findley,Hightower Trail ES: Kimberley Eckhardt and Jimmina Graham,Honey Creek ES: Keisha Sampson,JH House ES: Dr. Laurie Varner,Lorraine ES: Dr. Judy Bolen,Peek’s Chapel ES: Dr. Stacy Lawson,Pine Street ES: Devon Murray,Shoal Creek ES: LaTasha Canty,Sims ES: Jamie Collins.
Barksdale ES:  Bridgett Head
CJ Hicks ES:  Dornalie Henry-Antoine
Flat Shoals ES:  Dr. Tamala Findley
Hightower Trail ES:  Kimberley Eckhardt and Jimmina Graham
Honey Creek ES:  Keisha Sampson
JH House ES:  Dr. Laurie Varner
Lorraine ES:  Dr. Judy Bolen
Peek’s Chapel ES:  Dr. Stacy Lawson
Pine Street ES:  Devon Murray
Shoal Creek ES:  LaTasha Canty
Sims ES:  Jamie Collins

Charlene McGlockling photo Charlene McGlockling
Coordinator for Literacy Support
[email protected]
