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Infinite Campus Portal

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The Infinite Campus Portal (also known as the “Parent Portal”) allows parents and students to:

•  See progress reports, report cards, and student grades for every assignment as well as up-to-date averages for every course, as well as missing assignments.
•  See student attendance and absences.
•  Set email/phone contact information for messages from the district and the schools.

There is also an Infinite Campus app for iPhone and Android devices.

IMPORTANT – Parents, please make sure to do your 2024-25 Annual Update now in Infinite Campus Parent Portal so there is no delay for your student in accessing their laptop/iPad for 2024-25. Log in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal, then in the left column click "More" and "Annual Student Updates."
•  If you need to set up an account, scroll down for instructions or contact the DLS (Digital Learning Specialist) at your school,

IMPORTANTE – Padres, asegúrese de hacer su Actualización Anual 2024-25 ahora en el Portal de Padres de Infinite Campus para que su estudiante no se demore en acceder a su computadora portátil/iPad al comienzo del año escolar 2024-25Iniciar sesión al Portal para padres de Infinite Campus, y en la columna de la izquierda, haga clic en "Más" y "Actualizaciones anuales para estudiantes".
• Para obtener información sobre cómo configurar su cuenta del Portal para Padres de Infinite Campus, vea las instrucciones a continuación o comuníquese con el DLS (especialista en aprendizaje digital) de su escuela:


Already have an account?

>>Click Here to Access the Infinite Campus Portal
We recommend you bookmark or favorite this URL.

For Annual Student Updates:  Log in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal, click "More" in the left navigation column, then click "Annual Student Updates".

How To Set Up Your Account:

•  CLICK HERE for directions (RTF).  You must use a desktop or laptop computer to set up a new account.
•  HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo configurar su nueva cuenta (RTF). Debe usar una computadora de escritorio o portátil para configurar una nueva cuenta.

•  CLICK HERE to go to the account setup page (you will need your child's birthdate and student ID to get started).

•  HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para ir a la página de configuración de la cuenta (necesitará la fecha de nacimiento de su hijo y la identificación de estudiante para comenzar).

•  CLICK HERE for directions on how to find the Student ID Number for current students. (RTF)

*For help with your child's Student ID Number, contact the front desk of your school. For help with Infinite Campus accounts, contact your school. For other technical support, contact your school's Intel or DLS (click here for Staff Directories), or contact [email protected] or 770-860-4259.
*Para obtener ayuda con el número de identificación de estudiante de su hijo, comuníquese con la recepción de su escuela. Para obtener ayuda con las cuentas de Infinite Campus, comuníquese con su escuela. Para otro tipo de soporte técnico, comuníquese con Intel o DLS de su escuela (haga clic aquí para ver los directorios del personal), o comuníquese con [email protected] o 770-860-4259.

•  After creating an account, parents may want to download the Infinite Campus Parent app on mobile devices to have quick access to attendance and grades anywhere, anytime. This app is free and is available for both iPhone and Android devices.

How To Update Annual Student Forms:

All parents must verify their contact information online in Infinite Campus and complete RCPS school forms online by the beginning of the school year. Please go to Infinite Campus Parent Portal, log in, then click "More" in the left column and "Annual Student Updates".

  Detailed directions are here: [Video] [PDF]

•  Note: Parents of rising 7th grade students will need to upload 2 proofs of residency with their student's Annual Update: (1) Lease, Mortgage, or Tax Statement (2) Current Utility Bill or Vehicle Registration. For more details about proofs of residency, click here.

Need Help Finding Your Way Around the Parent Portal?

See this Help Video for guidance.

How To Check for Grades, Progress Reports, Report Cards:

•  CLICK HERE for directions on how to check for grades, Progress Reports, and Report Cards (RTF).
•  HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo verificar las calificaciones, los informes de progreso y las boletas de calificaciones (RTF).

For help with accessing or printing report cards from Infinite Campus, contact your school's front desk. If you school's office is closed, contact [email protected] or 770-860-4259 Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

How To Find your GTID (Georgia Testing ID):

Click here for How to Find Your GTID, in Infinite Campus Portal (PDF)  (RTF)
Haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo encontrar su GTID, en Infinite Campus Portal (PDF)  (RTF)

CLICK HERE for more information about Kids'-Doc-On-Wheels (KDOW) telehealth services enrollment.


We recommend students access the Infinite Campus app within ClassLink to check attendance and grades.  Students may also want to download and install the Campus Student app on their personal cell phones to access Infinite Campus.  The download is free and is available for iPhone and Android in their respective app stores.

For questions about Infinite Campus or printing report cards, please contact your school's Digital Learning Specialist (DLS) during the school year.  For other technical support, contact your school's Intel team (click here for links to School Directories) or the district Technology Help Desk at [email protected] .