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Clear Bookbag & Athletics Clear Bag FAQs
Photo of clear bookbag(Para traducir esta página al español, haga clic aquí o haga clic en "Language" en el parte superior de este página)

PDF icon Clear Bookbag FAQs (PDF)
PDF icon Preguntas frecuentes sobre la mochila transparente (PDF)

PDF icon Athletics Clear Bag FAQs (PDF)
PDF icon Preguntas frecuentes sobre requisitos de bolsas transparentes en eventos y lugares deportivos (PDF)

Clear Bookbag Requirements and Frequently Asked Questions

PDF icon Clear Bookbag FAQs (PDF)
PDF icon Preguntas frecuentes sobre la mochila transparente (PDF)

All bookbags (backpacks) carried by students in grades 1-12 must be clear. Clear bookbags are optional for Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten students. Students will carry their laptops in the school-issued, non-transparent laptop bag.Students participating in an extracurricular activity are permitted to carry non-transparent bags to store items pertaining to their particular activity (i.e. band, athletics, etc.). Upon entry into the school, all extracurricular activity bags must be stored in lockers or designated areas. All bags are subject to search. Additionally, the maximum size for non-transparent bags that students will be permitted to carry during the school day, such as lunch kits, pencil bags and purses, will be 6” x 9”.

Photo of clear backpack. Image says Example of clear backpack.

•    What are the size specifications for the clear bookbag?
There are no size specifications for the clear bookbag.

•    Are mesh bookbags allowed?
No. Mesh bookbags are not allowed. Students are permitted to only use clear bookbags (see example).

Photo of mesh backpack crossed out. Mesh bookbags are not allowed.

•    Can the bookbag have mesh pockets?
Yes. Mesh side pockets are allowed on the bookbag (see example).

Photo example of clear backpack with mesh side pockets

•    Can the front pocket of the bookbags have a mesh organizer?
Yes. A mesh organizer inside the front pocket is allowed (see example).

Photo of clear bookbag with mesh organizer inside front pocket.

•    Will bookbags with padded backs be accepted?
No. Bookbags must have clear visibility through all dimensions excluding the bookbag bottom (see example).

Photo of clear bookbag with padded back. Backpack must have clear visibility through all dimensions excluding the bottom.

•    Are transparent colored bookbags allowed?
No. Colored, transparent bookbags are not allowed (see example). Only fully clear bookbags are permitted.

Photos of yellow-green and purple colored transparent bookbag crossed out.

•    Are stripes allowed on the bookbag?
No. Stripes in any location are not allowed on the bookbag (see example).

Photo of clear bookbag with stripes on the top, photo crossed out.

•    Can the bookbag have colored straps?
Yes. The bookbag may have colored straps (see example).

Photo of clear bookbags with colored straps. Colored strap backpacks ARE allowed.

•    Are leather reinforcements on the corners of the bookbags allowed?
Yes. Leather reinforcements on the corners are permitted (see example).

Clear bookbag with leather straps and leather reinforcements on corners.

•    Are company or trademark logos allowed on the front of the bookbag?
Yes. Small company and school logos are allowed (see example), but large logos, monograms or other visual design obstructions are not.

Photos of three clear bookbags with brand names printed on the front.

•    Will athletic/spirit bags and instrument cases, which are not clear, be allowed on campus?
Yes, however, these bags must be stored as soon as the student arrives at school. They must be placed in lockers or secured in fine arts classrooms or athletic locker rooms as designated by school instructors.

•    Are lunch kits permitted?
Yes. Non-transparent lunch kits no larger than approximately 6” x 9” x 5” (see examples) are permitted to be carried.

Illustration of a lunch box or lunch kit measuring 6 inches tall by 9 inches wide by 5 inches deep and Illustration of a lunch bag measuring 9 inches tall by 6 inches wide by 5 inches deep.

•    Can multiple 6” x 9” bags be carried in schools?
Yes. Students must limit non-transparent 6” x 9” bags (lunch kits, purses, pouches) to two bags (see examples), regardless of whether they are carried inside or outside the backpack.

Illustration of a purse measuring 6 inches tall by 9 inches wide and a purse measuring 9 inches tall by 6 inches wide by 5 inches deep and a lunch box or lunch kit measuring 6 inches tall by 9 inches wide by 5 inches deep.

•    Are clear totes, clear purses and transparent plastic bags allowed?
Yes. Clear totes, purses and bags are allowed (see examples).

Photo of clear totebag with red straps and clear purse with red straps and clear zip lock bags.

•    Can I line the inside of the bookbag?
No. Fabric, wallpaper or any other material that conceals the contents of the bookbag is not permitted.

•     Is there a health concern related to carrying clear bookbags (exposure to plastic)?
No. According to current United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) research, chemicals released by plastic bookbags / backpacks are not stored in the human body, so routine, low level exposures like touching plastic products or breathing indoor air are unlikely to cause toxicity or disease. Additional information can be found on the CDC/ATSDR website,

•    Is this an invasion of privacy?
We understand the concern regarding the privacy of certain items contained within bookbags. Students will be permitted to carry such items in a small makeup pouch or purse within the bookbag. Any non-transparent pouch, purse, or lunch kit should be no larger than approximately 6” x 9” x 5”.

•    What happens if a student refuses to comply with the RCPS clear bookbag requirement?
The student will be cited with insubordination which is a violation of the Student Behavior Code of Conduct.

Athletics Clear Bag Requirements and Frequently Asked Questions

PDF icon Athletics Clear Bag FAQs (PDF)
PDF icon Preguntas frecuentes sobre requisitos de bolsas transparentes en eventos y lugares deportivos (PDF)

•  What happens if I show up at the athletic facility entrances with a bag that is not permitted?
Prohibited bags will be turned away from the facility before they reach the entrance. There is no bag check so bags will need to be returned to your vehicle.

•  Can I place my non-clear bag inside of a clear bag?
No. If a non-clear bag is placed inside of a clear bag, it will not be allowed in the venue. Small, pocket-sized wallets are allowable.

•  Is a tinted, but “see through” bag allowed, if it meets the size restriction?
No. Color tinted bags do not comply with the Clear Bag Policy.

•  Can patrons carry cameras, smart phones, or other approved items separately from what they put in a clear bag?
Yes. Phones and cameras can be carried into the facility as long as it is not in its own bag.

•  Are diaper bags permitted?

Diapers and wipes can be carried in approved clear bags; however, non-clear diaper bags are not permitted. Persons with infants and toddlers may utilize a clear book bag as a diaper bag.

•  If I have certain items that I need to bring into the athletic facility for medical reasons and they won’t fit in the clear bag, what do I do?
Medical bags do not have to be clear. Patrons with medical bags that do not comply with the athletics bag policy will be allowed to enter the athletic facility once the medical bags is searched.

Additional questions should be directed to the RCPS Director of Athletics or your school Athletic Director.