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Parents are Powerful

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We BELIEVE that family is the most important factor in the development of our students.

Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. The involvement includes ensuring that parents play an integral role in assisting their child's learning; that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school; and that parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.

Parent Academy

In August 2011, RCPS held its first Parent Academy at RCA. Make a PACT (Parents and Children Together) and Be There for Your Child." Be There is a national campaign designed to inspire families to be more involved with their child's education. Please visit the Parent Academy website to view the list of sessions that will be offered at the next Parent Academy.

GADOE Parenting Webinars

Georgia Department of Education's Parent Engagement Program continues to offer it's monthly webinar series that are designed to assist schools and districts with building parent capacity through resources, tools, and promising practices.



Parent Institute Newsletters - Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle, High

Early Childhood (English)
click here for full size newsletter, accessible PDF,  Early Childhood (English)

Primera Infancia (en español)
haga clic aquí para ver el boletín de tamaño completo, PDF accesible, Primera Infancia (español)

Elementary School (English)
click here for full size newsletter, accessible PDF, Elementary (English)

Escuela Primaria (en español)
haga clic aquí para ver el boletín de tamaño completo, PDF accesible, Primaria (español)

Middle School (English)
click here for full size newsletter, accessible PDF,  for Middle School (English)

Escuela Intermedia (grados 6-8) (en español)
haga clic aquí para ver el boletín de tamaño completo, PDF accesible, para padres de estudiantes en los grados 6-8 (español)

High School (English)
click here for full size newsletter, accessible PDF, for High School (English)

Escuela Prepatoria (grados 9-12) (en español)
haga clic aquí para ver el boletín de tamaño completo, PDF accesible, para padres de estudiantes en los grados 9-12 (español)

Daily Planner

Early Learning (English)
thumbnail of cover of Daily Planner

Primera Infancia (en español)
imagen de la Planificadora para el aprendizaje, Primera Infancia (español)

Elementary (English)
thumbnail of cover of Daily Planner Elementary

Escuela Primaria (en español)
imagen de la Planificadora para el aprendizaje para los grados K-5 en español

Middle School (English)
click here for Daily Panner, accessible PDF, for Middle School

Escuela Intermedia (grados 6-8) (en español)
imagen de la Planificadora para el aprendizaje para los grados 6-8 (en español)

High School (English)
image of Daily Planner for High School

Escuela Prepatoria (grados 9-12) (en español)
imagen de la Planificadora para el aprendizaje para los grados 9-12 (en español)